The Hard Lesson

This is the latest ”Picture-it-and-Write” prompt from Ermilia’s blog~

__picture it & write


As usual the picture is provided and credited by Ermilia

by John Yeo

You are now a member of our club girl,
Welcome to our gang.
You are our friend, a jewel,
A painted lady, you are one of us!
Nobody tells us what to do,
We stick together, through thick and thin.

Our badge of honour is the tattooed skull
We wear our disguise with pride.
To hide our true faces from the world,
Misunderstood, a private group.
We follow each other, not the crowd.
You do as we do now.

The tattooed uniform of our special gang
You have the skull for life.
We are very solitary, hiding behind our hands.
Our fearsome skulls protect us,
A tattooed statement always there,
If you don’t like me, I don’t care.

We have taught you something today girl
A lesson learned in a very hard way.
The step you have taken shows courage,
You will be recognised everywhere.
The skull you display so proudly
Shows you never had a care.

Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved
