This is the latest Picture-it-and write prompt from Ermilia’s blog http://ermiliablog.wordpress.com/2014/09/21/picture-it-write-42/


 As usual the picture is provided and credited by Ermilia


by John Yeo

 Hallo! My feet hurt. We have no ice here where I live, due to the effects of climate change and global warming. I am Phillip, I am one of an endangered species. Just one small part of the effect of the uncontrolled, thoughtless burning of fossil fuels that go a very long way towards creating greenhouse gasses. The ice I live on is melting fast and shrinking our habitat, I will introduce you to a friend of mine later who has just woken up from hibernation. We have been the kings of the ice fields for millions of years. we have lived through many changes and global catastrophes, until now. Now we are doomed. What can we do to survive? We have been hunted and killed for our meat. The ice was stained red with the blood of my brothers. We have been stripped of our fur to keep the killers warm and to allow them to survive on the icefields. We were the undisputed top of our evolutionary chain. We hunted and killed seals and fish for food, living peacefully with the balance of give and take, life and death. The native human Inuit people learned to live with us, we all survived in the wild icy North, together. Then men came with powerful guns and the slaughter for our fur began, our blood ran freely and stained the ice red. Now the cold blooded killers are robbing us of the ice that makes up our icefields, through burning fossil fuels and creating greenhouse gasses that magnify the sun, generating heat that melts the ice. We will adapt and survive somehow, my brothers and I will unite with the brown bears worldwide and we will fight back.

Copyright © Written by John Yeo, All rights reserved.

INSPECT 100 word challenge by John Yeo

Rainbow Lorikeet in a Golden Penda tree

100 word challenge by John Yeo

The plane landed and came to an abrupt halt at the end of the runway. We grabbed our hand luggage from the overhead lockers and left, heading for the customs hall and security.
“Open the bag, please. Sir”,
“Of course, I replied”. I then froze, the bag was stuffed full of money.
“Will you come with me, Sir?”
“But”, I replied, “This is not my money”
“I must insist, Sir”. Two other customs officers appeared from nowhere.
They escorted me to a nearby office, I tried to explain,
I was arrested. Then my identical bag turned up.

Copyright © Written by John Yeo, All rights reserved100-Word-Challenge

HOLD The…………..

by John Yeo


Many passengers sharing a long-haul flight across the globe.
A darkened atmosphere.
Day turned into night.

An undercurrent of sound.
A babble,
A torrent of voices in a vacuum.
What is under discussion.

A flood of unidentified thought,
Mostly inconsequential,
Minds deprived.
Stimulus provided by a small screen in front of the eyes.

To a highly gifted sensitive mind,
Deprived of sensory stimulus,
Are these telepathic thoughts, voiced?
Or are they vocalised undercurrents?

Sitting in a cramped row of seats
In front of an illuminated screen,
Time drags on.
The sound continues unabated.
Sound delivered through a headset.


Copyright (c) Written by John Yeo, All rights reserved.



By John Yeo

Mrs Taylor was a widow who always dressed in black. For thirty years she had worn black clothes, a black armband and a black scarf covering her head. I once asked why? This was her reply :

“My husband Jack was a sailor, who perished in the cruel sea. We threw black wreaths in the sea when he died. In the depths of the ocean there is no night or day. The sun never penetrates and there is eternal black. I wear black to remember Jack, When I die I will be with him. We will be together in eternal black.”


My response to this weeks 100 word challenge the word ~  BLACK

Written by John Yeo ©  All rights reserved

The Hard Lesson

This is the latest ”Picture-it-and-Write” prompt from Ermilia’s blog~

__picture it & write


As usual the picture is provided and credited by Ermilia

by John Yeo

You are now a member of our club girl,
Welcome to our gang.
You are our friend, a jewel,
A painted lady, you are one of us!
Nobody tells us what to do,
We stick together, through thick and thin.

Our badge of honour is the tattooed skull
We wear our disguise with pride.
To hide our true faces from the world,
Misunderstood, a private group.
We follow each other, not the crowd.
You do as we do now.

The tattooed uniform of our special gang
You have the skull for life.
We are very solitary, hiding behind our hands.
Our fearsome skulls protect us,
A tattooed statement always there,
If you don’t like me, I don’t care.

We have taught you something today girl
A lesson learned in a very hard way.
The step you have taken shows courage,
You will be recognised everywhere.
The skull you display so proudly
Shows you never had a care.

Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved


Five Senses of Wistful Thinking


By John Yeo


What do you want most in the world?
The sage old Guru asked, when I met him for lunch in the college refectory.
I pondered for a few seconds, my mind racing over the many possible answers to his question.
I began to think and value the things I already have. My lovely wife and our happy relationship, our simple lifestyle that we already value so much
Our family, I would want them all to be very healthy and happy in their unique individual ways. Good health for the rest of our lives would come top of the list for both Margaret and myself. Enough to eat and an absence of thirst would also be there, along with the peace of mind that comes with freedom from worry and stress. The peace that comes from valuing one another and respecting each others opinion and point of view, would certainly be there sharing the top spot of any answer to a most wanted requirement from life.

SIGHT~ Globally, I would like to see, Peace all over the world. Nations living side-by-side, with freedom from fear. Accepting each other in friendship. An impossible dream? Perhaps.

SOUND~ I would like to hear the silence, following the fiinal cessation of the bombing of the innocents. Then the birds singing the dawn chorus in Spring.

SMELL~ I would like to smell the scented Spring flowers in my garden and the smell of a newly mowed lawn. Masking the imagined stench of death and bloodshed, that is the present reality in many parts of the world.

TOUCH~ I would like to feel and touch the raindrops, falling on our skin as we drink the fresh water from a Spring shower. Washing away the fear of sudden death from war or sickness or famine.

TASTE~ I would relish the taste of very cold clear fresh water that has flowed from a mountain stream to nourish the earth. Then the taste of the fruits and food that spring from the clear refreshing rain. I would taste the salt in the tears that are shed for the lack of understanding in this world where many people go hungry and die of thirst.

What do I want most in this world?~



Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved

Picture it and Write~Rebuilding and Reshaping

This is the latest “Picture it and Write” image from Ermilia’s blog~

Picture it & Write


As usual the image is supplied and acknowledged by Ermilia

Reshaping and reconstruction

By  John Yeo
The layers of the mind reflect in the images that the facial front presents to the world. Very deeply in the innermost layer, lie the feelings that we are reluctant to share with the world.
Sarah had a plasticity that was uncontrollable. Happy news would bring floods of tears to her eyes and she found a pleasant experience, very sad. When she was angry a huge smile would light up her face and she would have great difficulty in expressing her anger. One day a huge dog attacked her in the park and she started to laugh uncontrollably. The blood spurting from a wound in her leg, brought gales of laughter as she was transported to hospital by ambulance.
After treatment in the Accident and Emergency department, Sarah was examined by a phsychiatrist, who arranged some appointments to treat her very deeply embedded, contrary expression of her innermost feelings.
Over the next several months the phsychiatrist uncovered each individual facet of her personality and re-adjusted the facial front to some semblance of normality. This process took many months as Sarah’s personality and reactions to outside events, were reconstructed through therapy.
By re-building and re-integrating each individual face that made up her personality, Sarah’s life became peaceful and full of hearts and flowers.

Copyright  ©  Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved




For today’s prompt, write a framily poem. That’s not a typo. I’m thinking framily: friends and family (you know, like Sprint’s framily phone plan?). Okay, it’s a little silly using the word “framily,” but when have I avoided silly? Write a poem that involves (or is inspired by) your friends and family. Everyone should have a good story to tell, whether it’s funny, sad, serious, etc.


By John Yeo


The coach sped through the dark night,

We were on the way to grieve,

Sadness had gripped the dying embers

When Grandfather passed away.


Many people gathered to mourn his flight,

To wish him well, now he had taken his leave.

The get-together, the homily, everyone remembers.

A fine man with his humorous way.


Friends and family gathered, to respect his wishes.

A solemn occasion, the priest began to read

These words were his testament from beyond,

Addressed to us all as we waited.


My dear friends and family, I have no issues,

To leave. I love you all and I say God-speed!

Be as happy as I was, I love you together,

MY FRAMILY, I love you all still.


Copyright © Written by John Yeo~ All rights reserved.

Velvet Verbosity ~ 100 word challenge

This post is a response to this weeks 100 word challenge by http://www.velvetverbosity.com


All my friends liked Miss Lawson, the music teacher, she formed the school choir. I had a very melodic boyish treble voice, and I was chosen to sing several solo pieces of music, much to my delight. We had a very important performance, as I started to sing my solo, my voice suddenly became very hoarse and gruff. This ended my singing career in the choir, as my voice began to break and I developed a very deep double bass voice that bordered on sandpaper grinding on metal. Then Jazz made me a singer again with a voice like Satchmo.

Copyright © ~ Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved

The 100 Word Challenge is to tell a story in only 100 words. This week’s theme is “Gruff“