Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers ~ Writing challenge week 7. The goal is to write a story between 100-150 words (give or take 25 words) based on the provided photo.

Thank you to pixabay.com (free to use photographs) for this week’s prompt photos.


by John Yeo

The acid attack was horrific, Joey screamed, penetratingly loud, as pain raced through his head. Skin was burnt to shreds from the structure of his face, Joey’s crowning glory, his hair, was burnt off in seconds. He passed out and was raced to the burns unit at the local general hospital.
One year later after many operations by plastic surgeons some semblance of normality returned. Joey refused to be seen in public and became a recluse. He left our town and disappeared, it was rumoured he had joined some gypsies and was travelling the countryside by caravan.
One day Lisa our daughter, came home from school very excited, “Daddy the circus has come to town!”
Saturday night we had the best seats in the big top and Lisa was laughing merrily at the antics of Joey the clown. He came to speak to her and Lisa asked “How did you become a clown Joey?” His painted smile never altered hiding the tears of a clown.

(165 Words)


Copyright  © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved.

This is in response to a challenge hosted by Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. If you would like to participate in this challenge or need more information, please click the following link:



I am taking part in Mondays Finish the Story 30/03/2015, which is a challenge that provides a photo prompt and the opening sentence to your story. The rules indicate that the story you come up with must be between 100-150 words.

The link below takes you to Part Sixteen



© Image provided by Barbara Beacham ,

“Pizza anyone?”
Mozzarella cheese melted over beautiful black olives, succulent tomatoes, mouthwatering mushrooms, with chili peppers and meaty pepperoni. The dough was as light as a snowflake or the fluffy white clouds that were visible as she was drifting, clutching tightly to a floating log. Fear suddenly overtook her dreamy hallucination when Marg realised she was miraculously alive. Just!
Her head was hurting from the severe shock wave that hit from nowhere. The Brigadier immediately sent out search parties after a frantic call from a survivor who had reached the riverbank. Colonel Tom and Marg were still missing. Don Fernando raced to the scene and deployed a further team of men to hunt down Dickus on the river island.
Marg drifting along the rocky rapids desperately kept herself from losing consciousness.
The Brigadier frantically leading the search from a helicopter, adjusted his binoculars as another huge explosion sounded further down the river…….

(150 Words)

To be continued.

The link below takes you to Part Sixteen



Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved

Witty ~ 100 Word Challenge ~ Verbal Verbosity

100 words on the word “WITTY” in response to the latest challenge from VELVET VERBOSITY


Image from the net


by John Yeo 

Our landlord passed away very suddenly yesterday. He was a very witty man, always playing practical jokes. He will be well remembered by everyone, always good for a laugh to cheer everyone up. The other day we all got a letter to say our rent would be doubled. My wife and I were shocked until we realised it was April fools day, and he was only up to his old witty tricks. The police came to arrest our neighbour George today, he also received a letter. Some people have no sense of humour. Landlord’s funeral is tomorrow
What’s for tea?

Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved



Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers ~ Writing challenge week 6. The goal is to write a story between 100-150 words (give or take 25 words) based on the provided photo.

Thank you Vanessa Rodriguez for this week’s prompt photo.


by John Yeo

We live at the top of a very steep hill in the centre of town. Although the crime rate in this locality is low, Father had fitted a burglar alarm above the door, clearly visible from the road and we had a steel gate in front of our front door. Our neighbours in this very quiet road had never been burgled, always smiled at Father’s over-enthusiasm for security.
I will never forget the night of the break-in. There was a sound of breaking glass from the rear of our house, Father went to investigate carrying a baseball bat and he was quickly overpowered by three men wearing balaclavas. Mother and I hid in the bedroom, she had called the police who were on the scene in minutes, sirens blaring and lights flashing. The robbers fled, having tied Father up, and escaped with nothing.
From that day, although our security is strong, we have never felt safe in our house again. Our private space was irreparably violated.

(167 Words)

Copyright (c) Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved.

This is in response to a challenge hosted by Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. If you would like to participate in this challenge or need more information, please click the following link:



I am taking part in Mondays Finish the Story 23/03/2015, which is a challenge that provides a photo prompt and the opening sentence to your story. The rules indicate that the story you come up with must be between 100-150 words.

The link below takes you to Part Fifteen



© Image provided by Barbara Beacham ,

When the team heard the dam explode they knew they had limited time to make it to safety.

A raging torrent hit the assault craft, Colonel Tom pushed the button on his radio phone and called for help.
Things had moved fast since the casino raid and two teams were on a mission to rescue Bella, who had miraculously survived the carnage after Dr Dickus escaped. A ransom message had been found written in blood on the wall of the warehouse.
Colonel Tom and Marg’s team were aboard an assault craft heading for a secluded river island. The water becoming rougher became a raging torrent. Perhaps it was fate mused Marg as she stared death in the face, pictures of her life flooded through her mind.
The Brigadiers team raced to the rescue, to their horror they came upon the craft upside down, caught up in a floating tree. There was no sign of Colonel Tom, Marg or the team.
Then the Brigadiers cell phone sounded……………
(148 words)

To be continued.

The link below takes you to part Fifteen




Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved


Pen n tonic Creative Expressions

Each week on Tuesday Pen’n’Tonic will post a word, a phrase, a picture, or an idea that will constitute a prompt from which to submit a poem, a flash fiction piece (not longer than 250 words), an original photograph, an original artwork, or a combination of these things that you think applies to the week’s theme.

“This week, I give you another of my own original photographs.”


Image © penntonic.wordpress.com


by John Yeo

We have been here now for ten long years.
The sun rises daily in a clear blue sky
We are privileged to be here,
We have all we need.

Fish from the depths of a warm blue sea
Fruits of the earth are plentiful and sweet.
Cut off from the hustle and bustle of life.
Time passes slowly.

We rely on the boat for news and supplies,
The weather is usually kind and clear
Tornadoes or cyclones are threatened
Sometimes very near.

Our way of life is envied by many.
We are lucky to be living in paradise.
The grass is always greener over there.
Before the boredom sets in.

I would sit and dream of a carefree life
When on the beach passing time.
A life full of labour saving machines.
Cashpoints, the city and super cars.

Theatre, cinema and fast moving lives,
Clubs and shops full of luxury goods.
Fashion and interesting super malls,
With people everywhere.

Education, opportunities, time to save
Rushing from home to the office,
Mixing with folk from around the world.
Enjoying life to the full.

Then I would turn and look into your eyes
Stretch and leisurely take your hand,
Smile sweetly and say
“Perhaps we will book a holiday in the city.


Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved


Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers ~ Writing challenge week 5. The goal is to write a story between 100-150 words (give or take 25 words) based on the provided photo.


Thank you to pixabay.com for their “free to use” photograph, for this week’s prompt


by John Yeo

On Koh Samui, an island soaked in tropical sunshine, stood the imposing Hotel Temple. The hotel in an ornate converted temple, has a five star rating, attracting many visitors.
Aran and his twin sister Isra were thirteen years old. Sold to the hotel owner by their parents, they were trapped, working twelve hours a day for a pittance, waiting on rich tourists.
A very famous European singer and his entourage of roadies and musicians checked-in, after performing in Bangkok. The singer ordered tea to be brought to his room and requested Isra to bring it personally. Aran was suspicious and waited outside, listening intently. When he heard his sisters piercing screams, thirteen year old Aran rushed into the room to find her struggling with the singer. Aran had a very sharp kitchen knife and went for the rapist who pushed Isra away. Aran grabbed her and they ran from the room. No charges were pressed, the singer was very famous. The hotel proprietor just shrugged, Aran and Isra were just replaceable slave labour after all.

(175 words)

Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved

This is in response to a challenge hosted by Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. If you would like to participate in this challenge or need more information, please click the following link:


Picture it and Write ~ Weightless

This is the latest Picture it and Write prompt from Ermilia’s blog


As usual the image is supplied and credited by Ermilia

__picture it & write


by John Yeo

He found himself
As light as a feather
Floating high,
As high as the clouds
That seemed to support him.

He was in a state
Of pure weightlessness,
The gasses in the atmosphere
As soft as billowing silk
Holding him up.

Images floated through his mind.
The birds flying high
Seemed to penetrate his thought.
Drifting weightless,
He thrilled with total exhilaration.

He knew when in space
The body is weightless.
The initial shock quickly passed
When he realised he was dressed
For the office.

An alien sound shattered the
Silence on top of the clouds.
“Wake up John!”
The dream picture shattered
Into a million shards.


Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved



Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers-

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers ~ Writing challenge week 4. The goal is to write a story between 100-150 words (give or take 25 words) based on the provided photo.


by John Yeo

The reflection of the beautiful blue sky on the surface of the calm waters of the river boded well for our romantic afternoon. The hampers were packed, stacked and loaded with several cases of champagne in the cold room. Family and friends of family began to arrive and the three barges we had hired were ready to go. Beautiful music was made by a trio of musicians on the central barge.
Suddenly Wagner’s famous “Bridal Chorus” was softly and melodiously sounding as you arrived at the quayside in a white Rolls Royce. Escorted by bridesmaids and pages you boarded our barge, smiling happily behind your veil. I stood by your side and the priest uttered the timeless words, we both responded, “I do”. We were now to spend the rest of our lives together.
Two majestic white swans glided by on the surface of the river, followed by six cygnets.You grinned, then laughed and said, “No not six Darling!”.
(159 words)


Image from the net

Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved

This is in response to a challenge hosted by Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. If you would like to participate in this challenge or need more information, please click the following link:



Pen n tonic Creative Expressions

Each week on Tuesday Pen’n’Tonic will post a word, a phrase, a picture, or an idea that will constitute a prompt from which to submit a poem, a flash fiction piece (not longer than 250 words), an original photograph, an original artwork, or a combination of these things that you think applies to the week’s theme.

“This week, I give you one of my own original photographs. I can’t wait to see what you have to offer this week. Enjoy!”


Bonfire. © penntonic.wordpress.com



by John Yeo

We will let the fires of life burn out and in the dying embers we will sit and dream.
We will remember the fire that burned through our bodies when we fell in love.
Then the fire of ambition when we first started college, the knowledge that added fuel to ignite our dreams.
The fires of protest, when we held firm beliefs and we were prepared to die for our feelings.
The fires that burned fiercely in our minds as we aged and ignited the fires of freedom in the minds of our children
Proudly we have shared the fire and watched our children ignite the flames in the next generation.
Dreamily as the fires of our lives glow and the embers burn out we make our final decision will it be Cremation. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust?
Suddenly a shout of joy as our Great Grandchildren run towards the dwindling bonfire. “Come on Great Granddad and Grandma, wake up and come inside before the fire burns out.”


Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved