Radiant ~ 100 word challenge ~ Velvet Verbosity


Image from the net


by John Yeo

As predicted the meteor shower arrived exactly on time. They made love in the observatory as the stunning meteor shower arrived from a radiant in a far off universe, exploding brilliantly in the night sky.
Helena was beautiful, desired by many and loved by one, a learned Professor in Astrophysics. They had timed the moment precisely, his seed would meet her egg exactly at the right time. A star child would be conceived as the stunning meteor shower exploded in the sky above the glass observatory.
Leonid was born amid another stunning display of shining stars in the night sky.

100 words on the word “RADIANT” in response to the latest challenge from



Written by John Yeo © Copyright all rights reserved





Write something based on and including these three words.



by John Yeo

Cold, Depraved, and Powerful,

Yes! That would sum him up.

Genghis Khan ruler of the  Mongol empire

In the thirteenth century.

Lord of all he surveyed.

A powerful killer, bloodthirsty, fearless,

Responsible for the deaths of millions.


As cold as the ice age that preceded 

His rise and rise to ruthless power.

Depraved, he had his enemies slaughtered

Yet he loved as often as he rose to power

Fathering hundreds of children.

A chest full of jewels and red, red roses

To court the foreign princesses.


Princess Fatima who loved the Khan

Doting on his every whim, survived,

To stay with him always moving

Following the fighting.

Opposites attract as the saying goes.

Warm, Virtuous, and Gentle

She loved her cruel callous 


Cold, Depraved, Powerful

Genghis Khan


Copyright (c) Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved



STASIVALENT ~ Pen’n’Tonic’s Creative Expressions challenge.

Pen’n’Tonic’s Creative Expressions challenge.


This week I challenge you (and I think it will be a real challenge!) to play the game of Balderdash with me. Have you ever played? The game provides cards, each with five categories. One category is Words. You have to make up a definition for the word. I’ve given you five words from the actual game from which to choose.




by John Yeo

I have chosen stasivalent. This obviously means a state of exact balance. In medieval times it was normal practice to use parts of two words to emphasise one outcome.
Stasis and Equivalent then becomes Stasivalent, which is an exact balance between two elements.
In the play “Merchant of Venice”
Written by William Shakespeare,
Shylock demands his pound of flesh.
He asked for flesh to be placed on one side of the scales
and gold to be placed on the other side.
When both sides were equal they became
a stasivalent.
It had to be a stasivalent, without a drop of blood.
The impossible stasivalent!

Written by John Yeo © All rights reserved

Mysterious Island (8)

I am taking part in Mondays Finish the Story 26/01/2015, which is a challenge that provides a photo prompt and the opening sentence to your story. The rules indicate that the story you come up with must be between 100-150 words.

The link below takes you to Part Seven

Mysterious Island ~ (7) ~


Image supplied and credited by Monday’s Finish the Story


by John Yeo

She was unaware that she was being watched.
As she left the helicopter at Junea airport in Alaska, Marg met with Angelo, a member of Don Francisco’s organisation.
Together they would penetrate the remote laboratory where Dr Dickus worked and steal a very valuable formula, then destroy the lab.
Shots rang out, Angelo grinned, and put his foot down hard on the accelerator to get clear of the airport. “It’s OK you were tailed, but we have taken them out!”
Approaching a densely wooded complex containing the lab, Marg was reminded of the yellow Jeep with Alaskan number plates that had been close behind her in the UK.
Angelo was familiar with the terrain and he was to play a key role in the assault from the lake side.
Smiling he asked Marg how she felt about wolves as Dickus was famous for his pet wolf and he was guarded by the rest of the pack.
Then amazingly—-

(150 words)~to be continued

The link below takes you to Part Seven

Mysterious Island ~ (7) ~



Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved

Picture it and Write ~ Circular Reasoning

This is the latest Picture it and Write prompt from Ermilia’s blog 



Forest Sculpture by Spencer Byles

As usual the image is supplied and credited by Ermilia


by John Yeo

Tree people arrived on the planet Earth to make contact, travelling through space from beyond the rings of Saturn. Travelling through the dark matter invisible to the human eye, they came through a maze of wormhole tunnels. Circles are very important to the tree people’s culture, as important as the rings running through a tree trunk recording the age of a tree.
Firstly they announced their arrival by crop circles with alien diagrams, laid out on many farms and fields, these went unrecognized and were ridiculed by the inhabitants of Earth.
They recruited weaver birds to weave and construct special rings of tree branches that were then energised with power from the invisible dark matter that surrounds everything in the known universe. Each ring was constructed and linked to another dimension, any person entering a ring would instantly become invisible as they travelled and entered this dimension able to travel through time and space, never to return. Many of the top scientific brains on the planet followed the route through the rings and fears were raised among the top echelons of society for their safety.
Then one fateful day, a human emerged from one of the rings and lived to tell a wondrous tale of life in a far-off paradise. When the danger of evil and violence threatened the alien visitors, they left very quickly. The survivor soon returned with some officials to the woodlands where the alien rings were situated, all he found was a fungal fairy ring of mushrooms.
All trace and evidence of the road to Saturn was lost.  

Image from the net

Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved



Three Word Wednesday
Write something based on and including these three words.



by John Yeo

The casting director was infamous and renowned for his powers of seduction.
The beautiful rising film star smiled and speculated on the pile in front of her as they entered the back room of his office.
“These are diamonds”, he said pointing to what looked like a pile of weathered broken glass.
.”Are you serious or just being bloody frivolous? That is a pile of glass on the bench, a heap of glass pieces, I would not give you anything for one sliver of broken glass”
“Why be aggressive and unfriendly? The deal can be very smooth if you are agreeable and amicable. The diamonds are uncut and I have the finest craftsmen available to cut and polish them to a very high standard. These are raw unrefined pink diamonds, they can be cut and polished into beautiful jewellery.
The lady said “You will make a present of these to me if I agree to your demands?”
The lady then pulled a small revolver out of her clutch purse and shot him dead.
Well she smiled. sweeping the pile into her purse. “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.
I may be very amicable, and very frivolous, I am certainly very unrefined.”

Copyright (c) Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved



Feasting ~ 100 word challenge ~ Velvet Verbosity

Image from the net by galleryhip.co


by John Yeo

 Snow had been falling for months with everywhere buried deeply in a thick coating. The family desperately searching for food, erected shelters within a stand of snow-covered trees. Suddenly a small mound about several yards away, moved. Then with a roar a sabre-toothed tiger raced towards the family, fangs drawn seeking an easy meal. Two members of the family reacted instantly unleashing spears directly at the big cat, one spear pierced the left eye and entered the cat’s brain, stopping and killing the creature instantly. The family enjoyed fresh meat that day and were feasting for several days to come.

100 words on the word   “Feasting”  in response to the latest challenge from



Written by John Yeo © Copyright all rights reserved



Creative Expressions ~ Write on opposite concepts~


by John Yeo

The gardener leaned on his spade
Looked at the scientist with disdain,
“As I stand on this life-filled Earth,
One pinch of garden soil
About a gram in weight
Contains millions of bacteria.
Several thousand species not
Known to science.”


The physicist adjusted his lens,
“As I look up at the life-filled sky
With the multiverse of pinpoints of light,
Each tiny dot in the sky could contain
Many varieties of life in many forms,
Then the unexplained dark matter
That is invisible never seen,
Is a puzzle to us all”


The gardener grinned at the scientist,
“I have dark matter here that nourishes the soil
and helps the crops to grow.
If your dark matter does the same job
Who is responsible for producing it?
My dark matter is converted waste
Until it is recycled on the land”


The scientist grinned and replied
“There is a God!”

Copyright (c) Written by John Yeo~ All rights reserved

Mysterious Island ~ (7) ~

I am taking part in Mondays Finish the Story 19/01/2015, which is a challenge that provides a photo prompt and the opening sentence to your story. The rules indicate that the story you come up with must be between 100-150 words.

The link below takes you to Part Six

Mysterious Island (6)


Image supplied and credited by Monday’s Finish the Story


by John Yeo

They finally made their escape …….

 Racing down a remote country lane the car following closely, swerved suddenly, and blocked the road to prevent pursuit by the motorcyclists.

 Marg was whisked through customs and boarded the yacht to find the Brigadier with several of her former colleagues already aboard. A meeting was hastily arranged to discover the identity of the informant inside the organisation. The suspect became obvious and one of the team left on a mission.

 The journey to the familiar island was uneventful. The Brigadier and his team conducted several meetings where Marg became aware of her role in the up-coming operation.  Marg was to play a key role infiltrating and securing information on Dr Dickus, a rogue scientist who was in control.
 Six weeks later she was aboard a helicopter to a mystery destination known only to her and the Brigadier. As the helicopter made the approach to an airfield in the USA——-

(150 words)~to be continued

The link below takes you to Part Six

Mysterious Island (6)



Copyright © Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved

Picture it and Write~ KITH and KIN

This is the latest Picture it and Write from Ermilia’s blog

Ermilia Picture Kith and Kin

One Tree Hill Screenshot. Original image found on Buddy

As usual the image is supplied and credited by Ermilia


by John Yeo

What’s up sister? I hate to see you lying here in the rain, crying. Come inside in the warm, I will explain to Mum and Dad, how you never understood what was happening.”
“My dear brother John, I cannot face the world anymore, I fell deeply in love and he laughed at my feelings afterwards. Mum and Dad would never understand.”
“Sister Sandy I will stand by you, we have shared a lot together during our lives, through our schooldays when we were growing up together.”
“John I want to run away. I made a mistake. Will they ever forgive me?”
“We will stay and face the music together Sandy, I will stand by you, we will fight the world together!”

Copyright (c) Written by John Yeo ~All rights reserved
