by John Yeo

Henry was a man of stubborn independent views

Absolutely self assured with single-minded opacity 

If encouraged to uncover the past he would refuse.


He was the product of wartime upheaval and blues

He grew hard and self sufficient with harsh pugnacity

Henry was a man of stubborn independent views.


After the ceasefire a marital breakdown would infuse

The facts of his history would be cloaked in mendacity 

If encouraged to uncover the past he would refuse.


Educated in an orphanage without facts to confuse

Without means to uncover his descendants veracity

Henry was a man of stubborn independent views.


People often prompted Henry who resisted the cues 

To uncover his heritage would require fabled tenacity 

If encouraged to uncover the past he would refuse.


After a happy successful life in his contented shoes 

He faced the future with ingrained perspicacity, 

Henry was a man of stubborn independent views

If encouraged to uncover the past he would refuse.


© Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved 

Hereditary roots are important to some, as they frantically haunt online heritage sites avidly searching for people with the slightest tenuous link to a version of their family name. Seeking perhaps, long lost connections to the aristocratic families of the distant past. An obvious linkage to a wealthy forgotten branch of their family with the chances of a long lost inheritance. 

 Personally I prefer to forget the past and let sleeping dogs remain fast asleep in the pages of tenuous rumour and mystery. I certainly understand the view and outlook of my imaginary friend Henry in this poem.



This is a response to a writing prompt provided by WordPress.

PROMPT ~ Memories for sale

On a weekend road trip, far away from home, you stumble upon a garage sale in a neighborhood you’re passing through. Astonished, you find an object among the belong- ings for sale that you recognize. Tell us about it.

Image courtesy of


by John Yeo

How much value could I place on a distant memory?

It shocked me to the core to find your favourite cloak

I knew at once it had been your favourite accessory.

To find it for sale here brought an emotional reverie.


To discover this treasure brought a lump to my throat

How much value could I place on a distant memory?

A world away from your home roots it was rudimentary 

The likelihood of misidentification was sadly remote.


I recognised it at once as your favourite accessory.

All those years ago my life took a different trajectory 

My past clouded swiftly behind a veil of smoke.

How much value could I place on a distant memory?


I left it where the memories lie in the past to soak

I knew at once it was your favourite accessory.

The feel of soft purple mohair still affected me.

How much value could I place on a distant memory?


The price of lost memories is immeasurably costly. 

I walked away fast leaving the past with a finality

Allowing heartfelt memories to die yet evoke, 

I knew at once it had been your favourite accessory.


© Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved.





by John Yeo

Spring the month of new life is here,

Blanketing the earth with short-lived beauty.

The shades of apple blossom mingle freely

With a sea of floral jewels below.


Apple trees, heavily laden with blossom. 

Tall aged trees with gnarled wrinkled trunks.

The warm breezy zephyrs blow freely

Blanketing the ground with a carpet of petals.


Spring with a dazzling palette of colour,

Birdsong is deafening the morning hush.

Everywhere sounds of life abounding

The fertile earth is green and lush.


Daffodils with primroses peeking through

A multi-coloured patchwork of glory 

Blanketing the earth with life anew

To continue an age old story.


©  Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved



PROMPT ~ Freedom

I thought I would spend time writing about freedom from writer’s block.


by John Yeo

Soaring freely with the winds of time
Writing requires much persistence
Expressing feelings is so hard to define.
Eyes searching the terrain sublime
Looking for inspirational assistance 

Soaring freely with the winds of time.

Swooping low before you can climb
Searching for continued existence
Expressing feelings is so hard to define.
To stretch imagination is never a crime
In spite of harsh critical resistance
Soaring freely with the winds of time.
Fulfilling a hunger hard to prime
Pushing hard with a sharp insistence
Expressing feelings is so hard to define.

Hunting for perfection in any instance
Fighting against a passive resistance
Soaring freely with the winds of time
Expressing feelings is so hard to define.

© Written by John Yeo all rights reserved



This is a writing prompt provided by WordPress

PROMPT ~ Success
Tell us about a time where everything you’d hoped would happen actually did.


by John Yeo

Work has been stressful without a break

I’ll feel better when I get home.

The flight was late, I had a horrendous wait,

It’ll be good to surprise the family.

It’s been a hard week but I’m early.

My wife will be delighted

When she knows I’ve been successful.

I’ll be taking her out to dinner tonight.


The taxi pulled up behind a posh new car.

There’s another one parked in the drive.

My children must have some visitors.

Two brand new matching luxury cars.


Mary, my wife rushed out of the house.

‘Welcome home! Our luck finally changed!

Isn’t the windfall exciting?

Thirteen million pounds is a massive amount..

I knew our numbers would come up in the end!

Come inside, relax, put your feet up,

Your work is now a thing of the past.

We have many plans to make.

I have rung the family, everyone knows.

We’re having a celebrate.’


My face must have mirrored my confusion 

When my wife grinned and continued.

‘Don’t tell me you’ve been so busy

You haven’t heard the news.

Our regular lottery numbers have won,

We are now multi-millionaires.

We just need the ticket to prove it.’


My face went white in shocked surprise.

Reality took seconds to surface.

Thirteen million pounds; a huge,amount

That sadly we can never claim.

I certainly would have celebrated,

If only I’d remembered to buy the ticket.


© Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved.


 I wrote the above poem in a way that illustrates the dangers of spending money that hasn’t actually arrived. The elation at the success of winning could lead to some unfortunate decisions. The unfortunate person who forgot to invest in the winning ticket is obviously in dire straits with the family.

 Yet although I’m sure winning a massive amount of money would be welcome, I can’t help thinking this sort of success can often be something of a double-edged sword.

 Success will always be a difficult concept to recognise and to write about. Anyone’s first thoughts about suddenly winning 13 million pounds on the lottery, would obviously be extreme delight and excitement. However on reflection a massive sum such as this carries many hidden disadvantages, not the least being the sudden, certain, changes of lifestyle. 

 Obviously the members of the family would be the most uncomplicated beneficiaries. The mere fact of the initial delight of receiving what would be a reasonable sum would certainly lead to an easing of life’s pressures. Then, human nature, being as egotistical as it certainly is, would throw up all manner of complicated psychological reasons on the way the spreading of the winners good fortune could have been done differently.

 The main problems would surely arrive, with the certain lifestyle changes for the winners that would arrive the minute the cheque is cashed and the money becomes available. The sheer danger of the ability to indulge in everything in excess would be incredibly stressful. 

 However the positive aspects of a large win would certainly outweigh the negative aspects. All I can say is keep buying the ticket, as you can’t win without the investment of the entrance fee.

© Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved.



This poem is a response to a prompt provided by WordPress

PROMPT ~ Evasive action
What’s the most significant secret you’ve ever kept? Did the truth ever come out?


by John Yeo

After it happened, I desperately sought for a retraction

When I heard you I turned scarlet with embarrassment, 

The secret you trusted me with leads to evasive action.

My whole response to you was a thoughtful chain reaction 

Why did you choose me to take into your confidence?

After it happened, I desperately sought for a retraction.

The secret you trusted me with led to evasive action.


My response to your secret drives me to total distraction 

How do I respond to a confession of wicked malevolence 

The secret you trusted me with leads to evasive action.

To prejudice a long time friendship with risky overreaction 

The information you trusted me with didn’t make sense

After it happened, I desperately sought for a retraction.

The secret you trusted me with led to evasive action.


I respect your wish for my promise of trustworthy inaction

Although you have driven me to the extremes of sentiment

The secret you trusted me with leads to evasive action.

I value a friendship that has brought much satisfaction 

A bond that has cemented a close, safe, stable environment 

After it happened, I desperately sought for a retraction.

The secret you trusted me with led to evasive action.


© Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved



This is a response to a prompt provided by WordPress

PROMPT ~ The glass?
Is the glass half-full, or half-empty?


by John Yeo

The Weather forecast is dire;     

 I am sure the weather will get better:

Continual rain will never stop;              

We will probably not get a drop:


The crops will fail, we are set to starve;

The predictions are overstated:

Global warming is taking its toll;

We will all eat well and survive on a roll:


The world will become a gigantic desert;

Our scientists are all very clever:

 Soil will dry and become sand;

They will find ways to make a stand:


The oil will run out, we will grind to a halt;

We will discover new fuels to survive:

The Earth will become dust with millions hungry;

New foods will arrive to feed our young:


An asteroid will collide and wipe us out;

We will all take a trip to outer Space:

Our people need to cling to pessimism;

We will all survive on our innate optimism:

For every pessimist there’s always an optimist.


©  Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved.



PROMPT ~ Astonish


By John Yeo

If I were able to see into the future,

When and how I would pass away.

Would I be able to alter the outcome?

Take steps to alter the finality

Of my death or a long drawn out illness.

Would the future astonish me?


Would I be able to be somewhere else?

Somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be?

Would I then be responsible

For altering lives that depended on me?

If I were able to alter the future

Would the outcome astonish me?


If I could see life after death

Where I will be going when I die

Would I be tempted to get there fast? 

End this life to enjoy the next?

If I were able to control the future

Would the finality astonish me?


Perhaps it is better to be as I am, 

A blind clairvoyant, wishing the future

To be, the way I would like it to be.

In total ignorance of the final reality.

Perhaps it is better to be free

Of alternatives that would astonish me.


© Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved.



Today I am republishing a previous poem of mine as Time has stolen the day. 🙂💻✍️



by John Yeo

If animals could communicate clearly
And we could understand their thought,
If the Lions could talk to the Lambs
Would the thought processes differ really,
Or give answers to the problems sought
If Bears could converse with Orang-Utans?

How could we eat creatures who question
Our motives for making a meal of them,
Without giving their feelings a thought?
Communication would aid the digestion
Of plants and seeds and bugs. What then?
If Chickens and Turkeys were able to talk.

If Horses became clever with logistics.
Or Pigs preached the wisdom of the ages
Ants could help to govern all smoothly
Monkeys could be studying simplistics
While Ducks would be veritable sages
Humans would be lost in technology.

People have lost the talking habit
Most of them are lost in their phones
People no longer look up and around
No time to chat to a passing Rabbit.
Bees plainly buzz these walking Drones
Who shuffle by without making a sound.

If only People would communicate clearly.

© Written by John Yeo~All rights reserved.



This is a response to a writing prompt from WordPress

PROMPT ~ Your time to shine
Early bird, or night owl?


by John Yeo

I always get up with the lark,

My mind comes to life about then.

I always wake around four am

Before the sun has come up

I pull back the curtains to greet the dark,

Always early to rise.


I stretch and switch on my computer

Check on my emails and comments from friends

Around the world on social media.

Chat to friends thousands of miles away,

Sharing messages, news and the gen,

Always early to rise.


I always brew the morning tea

Take a cup to my wife still abed

I have always been an early riser

Wide awake before dawn breaks

I always wake around four am

My mind  comes to life about then

Always early to  rise.


© Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved.